In order to insure the fastest delivery you will be bound by the terms and conditions below.
You are purchasing “Guaranteed Top Alexa Ranking ” from “HITPRO”. The “Guaranteed Top Alexa ranking ” is defined as having your 1 Month (Package #1) or 3 Month (Package #2) global Alexa ranking higher than 30,000 at the end of the 7 - 30 or 90 days contract period.

1. You are not allowed to edit or remove the page we upload to the folder dedicated to our service.
2. Your server should not go down over 15 minutes per day. We will not suspend your service if your server goes down more often but we will lose traffic so please notify us before your hosting goes down if you can.
3. Customers who are unable to provide access to a sub folder will be refunded.
4. There will be no refund issued unless if we fail to reach the result promised with your package.
5. You must notify us by email if your website goes down for over 45 minutes.
6. You can't change the domain name once your campaign has begun.