Search Engine Submission, Registration & Optimization Service for your Web Site

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1. What is Search engine submissions?
Search engine submission is the act of submitting a web site's url (usually the home url) in order to have it indexed by a search engine's spider.

2. What is comprehensive search engine submissions?
Currently, about 100 search engines account for about 95% of traffic. The other 10% is derived from specialist and niche search engines. At, we focus on where results are gleaned. We do not submit your url to "60,000 search engines", because apart from sounding good, it won't benefit you.

3. Which Search Engines do you submit to?
For more information on the search engines we submit to please visit our search engines page.

4. Do I get a receipt for my transaction?
Yes, will email you a receipt as soon as you submit the form. The receipt will list a unique ID # for your records. Use this number when contacting us about your account. Also The credit card statement may say not Submitpro when it comes. Keeping this in mind might help in avoiding some confusion.

5. Which URLs do you submit?
Usually, the submission of your home page URL is sufficient. From your home page, a search engines spider will index your entire site.

6. Do You have a guarantee?
Yes we do. For more information click here.

7. How long does it take for the search engines to rank my web site?
Most search engines will list your site within a few days, however it varies greatly. Some will list your web site in as little as two or three hours, others will take several days. Unfortunately, we cannot control this. Some search engines favor recent submissions. Therefore, it is important to use our automatic resubmission feature.

8. What are Directories?
Sites that include links to others sites as well as lists, including online retail stores. Directories are used to locate not retail stores, but also businesses online. For example you can use an online directory to locate a dentist or a doctor near you, or your nearest retail outlet for collecting goods that you have ordered online.

9. Do you guarantee a top 10 ranking?
We have no control over the search engines ranking, which change monthly or weekly. Beware of companies that offer you a top 10 ranking? What do they mean? How many search engines does it cover? How many of your pages does it cover? How long do they guarantee you these top 10 rankings? In all candour, no company can guarantee a timeless top 10 ranking.

10. Why do I need to have my site resubmitted?
Some search engine spiders do not crawl your website regularly which may result in an outdated listing. We make sure that your website is reviewed regularly by all search engines so you can have your listing updated and your new content indexed faster.

P.S. Qualified traffic is essential to your web site and search engines still provide some of the most qualified and cost effective solutions. We give you do-able free tips to power boost your search engine placing.

If you have any further questions about HITPRO:
Simply click the 'Leave A Message' link below and one of our support staff will reply within one working day.
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